Woodville Primary School
Upgrade and modernisation of Woodville Primary School with the creation of a new Admin / Learning / STEM Building.

Banyule Primary School
New Administration Building, New Main Classroom Block and associated service and external works.

Woori Yallock Primary School
New Administration and Learning Building and associated Landscape works.

Bundoora Primary School
New Classrooms Wing and Food Tech Facility with Landscaping and Demolition work.

Ringwood Secondary College
New Junior School, Library Refurbishment, & including all associated Civil works

Loyola College Pavilion
New Sporting Pavilion, Play Court Roof Structure & all associated Civil works

Noble Park Secondary College(C Wing East Project)
Refurbishment of existing building to create new Library and Staff / Learning areas

Melbourne Girls' College (Boat House)
New Boat house, Conference Centre, full Commercial Kitchen, & including all associated Civil works

Gisborne Primary School
New Playground, Gymnasium, Administration and Refurbishment works.

East Doncaster SC - Well Being Centre
Construction of a new Well Being Centre and all associated Civil works

Cranbourne South Primary School
New Administration / Learning Building and extensive civil works.

East Doncaster Secondary College
Conversion of existing Gymnasium into Performing Arts Centre and all associated Civil works

Coburg North Primary School
Phase 1 : New Administration / Learning Building
Phase 2 : Extension to existing Gymnasium to create STEAM Centre, Multi Purpose, Visual Art, Music & Amenities

Melbourne Girls' College (Admin)
Demolish part existing building & construct new 3 Storey Administration / GLA extension to existing School and all associated Civil works